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Window Management

Here are the things you can do with the Browser window.

Creating, navigating and closing


Create a new Browser window on a blank page.

browser = driver |> Browser.createBrowser!

Navigate the Browser to the given URL.

browser |> Browser.navigateTo! ""

Navigate the Browser back in history.

browser |> Browser.navigateBack!

Navigate the Browser forward in history.

browser |> Browser.navigateForward!


Reload the current Browser page.

browser |> Browser.reloadPage!


Create a new Browser window and navigate to the given URL.

browser = driver |>! ""


Create a new Browser window with a callback function.

When the callback function ends on either Task.ok or Task.err the Browser window will be automatically closed.

Browser.createBrowserWithCleanup driver \browser ->
browser |> Browser.navigateTo ""


Create a new Browser window and navigate to the given URL with a callback function.

When the callback function ends on either Task.ok or Task.err the Browser window will be automatically closed.

url = ""
Browser.openWithCleanup! driver url \browser ->
# browser opens at
# should cleanup and close the browser when not found
el = browser |> Browser.findElement! (Css "#fake-id-abcd")


Close the Browser window.

browser |> Browser.close!

Retrieve Details


Get browser title.

browser |> Browser.navigateTo! ""
# get title
title = browser |> Browser.getTitle!
# title = "Google"


Get current URL.

browser |> Browser.navigateTo! ""
# get url
url = browser |> Browser.getUrl!
# url = ""

Resize and move


Set Browser window position and size.

  • x - new x position
  • y - new y position
  • width - new width
  • height - new height
browser |> Browser.setWindowRect! {
x: Some 100,
y: Some: 100,
width: Some 400,
height: Some 400,

All parameters are optional.

You can set just a new position:

browser |> Browser.setWindowRect! {
x: Some 100,
y: Some: 100,

Or for e.g. only the width:

browser |> Browser.setWindowRect! {
width: Some 400,


Set Browser size.

  • width - new width
  • height - new height
# set browser window size to 200x800
browser |> Browser.setSize! 200 800


Move the Browser window to a new x,y coordinates.

  • x - new x
  • y - new y
# move to 500x400
browser |> Browser.moveTo! 500 400


Maximize the Browser window.

This function returns new position and dimensions of the Browser window.

newRect = browser |> Browser.maximizeWindow!
# newRect: { x: I32, y: I32, width: I32, height: I32 }

In most use cases you want to ignore the output:

browser |> Browser.maximizeWindow!


Minimize the Browser window.

This function returns new position and dimensions of the Browser window.

newRect = browser |> Browser.minimizeWindow!
# newRect: { x: I32, y: I32, width: I32, height: I32 }


Make the Browser window full screen.

This function returns new position and dimensions of the Browser window.

newRect = browser |> Browser.fullScreenWindow!
# newRect: { x: I32, y: I32, width: I32, height: I32 }



Print current page to PDF.

The result will be base64 encoded List U8.

pdfBytes = browser |> Browser.printPdf! {}
File.writeBytes! "page.pdf" pdfBytes

You can use mostly the same options, that are available when printing the page manually in the browser.

Here are all available options with the default values:

base64PdfStr = browser |> Browser.printPdfBase64! {
page: {
width: 21.59, # pageWidth if orientation is "portrait" otherwise pageHeight [cm]
height: 27.94, # pageHeight if orientation is "portrait" otherwise pageWidth [cm]
margin: { # page margins [cm]
top: 1.0,
bottom: 1.0,
left: 1.0,
right: 1.0,
scale: 1.0, # zoom the size of the content by a factor scale
orientation: Portrait, # [Portrait, Landscape]
shrinkToFit: Bool.true, # resize the content to match the page width
background: Bool.false, # false = suppress output of background images and colors
pageRanges: [], # ["1","3","5-7"] = print only pages 1,3,5,6,7

Right now using Browser.printPdf requires the "--linker=legacy" compiler flag.


Print current page to PDF.

The result will be base64 encoded Str.

base64PdfStr = browser |> Browser.printPdfBase64! {}

You can use mostly the same options, that are available when printing the page manually in the browser.

Here are all available options with the default values:

base64PdfStr = browser |> Browser.printPdfBase64! {
page: {
width: 21.59, # pageWidth if orientation is "portrait" otherwise pageHeight [cm]
height: 27.94, # pageHeight if orientation is "portrait" otherwise pageWidth [cm]
margin: { # page margins [cm]
top: 1.0,
bottom: 1.0,
left: 1.0,
right: 1.0,
scale: 1.0, # zoom the size of the content by a factor scale
orientation: Portrait, # [Portrait, Landscape]
shrinkToFit: Bool.true, # resize the content to match the page width
background: Bool.false, # false = suppress output of background images and colors
pageRanges: [], # ["1","3","5-7"] = print only pages 1,3,5,6,7

Right now using Browser.printPdfBase64 requires the "--linker=legacy" compiler flag.


Take a screenshot of the whole document.

The result will be a base64 encoded List U8 representation of a PNG file.

pngBytes = browser |> Browser.getScreenshot!
File.writeBytes! "page.png" pngBytes


Take a screenshot of the whole document.

The result will be a base64 encoded Str representation of a PNG file.

base64PngStr = browser |> Browser.getScreenshotBase64!