Finding Elements
Here are the ways to find Element
in the Browser
Finding Elements
Find an Element
in the Browser
When there is more than 1 element, then the first will be returned.
# find the html element with a css selector "#my-id"
button = browser |> Browser.findElement! (Css "#my-id")
See supported locators at Locators.
Find many Element
in the Browser
When there are no elements found, then the list will be empty.
# find all <li> elements in #my-list
listItems = browser |> Browser.findElements! (Css "#my-list li")
See supported locators at Locators.
Try to find an Element
in the Browser
This function returns a [Found Element, NotFound]
instead of an error
when the element is not found.
When there is more than 1 element, then the first will be returned.
maybeButton = browser |> Browser.tryFindElement! (Css "#submit-button")
when maybeButton is
NotFound -> Stdout.line! "Button not found"
Found el ->
buttonText = el |> Element.getText!
Stdout.line! "Button found with text: $(buttonText)"
See supported locators at Locators.
All functions that require a Locator
can use any of the following Locators
Find by css selector.
# find the html element with a css selector "#my-id"
button = browser |> Browser.findElement! (Css "#my-id")
# find the html element with a css selector ".my-class"
button = browser |> Browser.findElement! (Css ".my-class")
Find by the [data-testid] attribute.
# find the html element with an attribute [data-testid="my-element"]
button = browser |> Browser.findElement! (TestId "my-element")
Find by XPath.
# find a html element by XPath.
button = browser |> Browser.findElement! (XPath "/bookstore/book[price>35]/price")