The Test
module contains functions for creating and running tests in the E2E mode.
Creating tests
Create a R2E test with basic Driver
configuration - targeting http://localhost:9515.
The name parameter will be used to identify the test in the results.
import Test exposing [test]
myTest = test "open roc-lang.org website" \browser ->
# open roc-lang.org
browser |> Browser.navigateTo! "http://roc-lang.org"
Running tests
Run all R2E tests from a list.
Available options:
TestRunnerOptions : {
printToConsole ? Bool, # should print results to Stdout? Default: `Bool.true`
screenshotOnFail ? Bool, # should take screenshot of test fail? Default: `Bool.true`
# default reporters will change in the future to [Reporters.BasicHtmlReporter.reporter]
reporters ? List ReporterDefinition, # list of reporters. Default: []
outDir ? Str, # relative path to the test results. Default: "testResults"
driver ? Driver.create {}, # the `Driver` connection to use for running tests
Default configuration:
main =
[test1, test2, test3] |> Test.runTests! {}
Without Stdout
main =
tests = [test1, test2, test3]
tests |> Test.runTests! { printToConsole: Bool.false }
You can return the result of this function from the main
to indicate to the running CI process if the
test run was a success or a failure.
main =
# run all tests
Test.runTests! [test1, test2, test3] {}
When your run:
roc ./main.roc
Then the output of this execution will always be a "0" - success.
When you run tests in a pipeline like "github action", it is better to build the test suite and then run it directly. This way in case of any tests fails the whole pipeline will fail.
roc build ./main.roc