Retrieving Details
Here are the ways to extract more information about Elements
in the Browser
Text and value
Get text of the Element
# get button text
buttonText = button |> Element.getText!
Get value of the Element
When Element
does not have a value property
then returns empty Str
# get input value
inputValue = input |> Element.getValue!
Get property of the Element
Valid properties are keys that you get when using GetOwnProperty
on the element in the browser.
Returns a Task
of Result a [Empty]
The return type a
should be same type like in the browser.
Using with Str
# get input value
inputValue = input |> Element.getAttribute! "value"
# expect to have value ""
inputType |> Assert.shouldBe (Ok "")
Using with Bool
isChecked = nameInput |> Element.getProperty! "checked"
when isChecked is
Ok value -> value |> Assert.shouldBe Bool.false
Err Empty -> Assert.failWith "input should have a checked prop"
Using with Num
clientHeight = nameInput |> Element.getProperty! "clientHeight"
clientHeight |> Assert.shouldBe (Ok 17)
When checking for [Empty]
it is a good practice to use
a type annotation - this way in case it is a value
(like a Str
, Bool
, etc.) the Json decoder will know how
to decode the value.
# a div should not have the property "value"
divValue : Result Str [Err Empty]
divValue = div |> Element.getProperty! "value"
divValue |> Assert.shouldBe (Err [Empty])
Get attribute of the Element
Attributes are the values you can see
in the HTML DOM, like <input class="test" type="password">
Returns a Task
of Result Str [Empty]
# get input type
inputType = nameInput |> Element.getAttribute! "type"
inputType |> Assert.shouldBe (Ok "email")
Take a screenshot of a Element
The result will be a base64 encoded List U8
representation of a PNG file.
pngBytes = button |> Element.getScreenshot!
File.writeBytes! "button.png" pngBytes
Take a screenshot of a Element
The result will be a base64 encoded Str
representation of a PNG file.
base64PngStr = button |> Element.getScreenshotBase64!