
decodeStr : Str -> List U8

Decode a Str of Base64 encoded string.

This function will silently ignore any problems with the Base64 input.

tryDecodeStr : Str -> Result (List U8) Error.Base64DecodingError

Try decode a Str of Base64 encoded string.

In case of any non-Base64 characters - returns Err [MalformedBase64Input]

tryDecodeUtf8 : List U8 -> Result (List U8) Error.Base64DecodingError

Try decode a List U8 of Base64 encoded string.

In case of any non-Base64 characters - returns Err [MalformedBase64Input]

decodeUtf8 : List U8 -> List U8

Decode a List U8 of Base64 encoded string.

This function will silently ignore any problems with the Base64 input.

encodeUtf8 : List U8 -> List U8

Encode a List U8 to Base64 encoded string.

encodeStr : Str -> List U8

Encode a Str to Base64 encoded string.

encodeStrToStr : Str -> Str

Encode a Str to Base64 encoded string.

encodeUtf8ToStr : List U8 -> Str

Encode a List U8 to Base64 encoded string.