This is a tutorial page which contains information
on how to use the R2E Platform
We will start with some basic examples, and then we will continue with more in depth topics.
This page is designed to be easily searchable by using (ctrl/cmd + f).
Getting started
To get started, all you need is Roc
installed on your machine.
Copy this code to a test.roc
app [testCases, config] { r2e: platform "https://github.com/adomurad/r2e-platform/releases/download/0.8.0/o-YITMnvpJZg-zxL2xKiCxBFlJzlEoEwdRY5a39WFZ0.tar.br" } import r2e.Test exposing [test] import r2e.Config import r2e.Browser import r2e.Element import r2e.Assert config = Config.defaultConfig testCases = [test1] test1 = test "validation message" \browser -> # open the test page browser |> Browser.navigateTo! "https://adomurad.github.io/e2e-test-page/" # find the test count input by id testCountInput = browser |> Browser.findElement! (Css "#testCount") # send text to input testCountInput |> Element.inputText! "2" # find the submit button submitButton = browser |> Browser.findElement! (Css "#submit-button") # click the submit button submitButton |> Element.click! # find the error message testCountError = browser |> Browser.findElement! (TestId "testCountError") # check the error message text testCountError |> Assert.elementShouldHaveText! "At least 5 tests are required"
And run:
roc test.roc
You should see a browser window blink quickly, and the terminal should print:
Starting test run... Test 1: "validation message": Running... Test 1: "validation message": OK Summary: Total: 1 Pass: 1 Fail: 0
The test was so fast, you probably didn't see anything.
You can also run the tests using the DebugMode
In the DebugMode
R2E will:
- wait between actions
- highlight the elements you interact with
- verbose log each action that is performed in the browser
roc test.roc --debug
Now you should be able to see the browser and the test being performed.
The test report containing the results should be located at:
If any of the tests fail, this report will contain a screenshot of the browser in the moment of failure. You can test this by change the assert in the test to:
testCountError |> Assert.elementShouldHaveText! "wrong validation message"
The test is self explanatory.
The basic idea behind R2E api are the modules.
If you want to interact with the browser, you use the Browser
Browser.findElement Browser.navigateTo Browser.getCookie Browser.getUrl
If you want to interact with elements on the page, you use the Element
Element.click Element.inputText Element.getText Element.getValue
If you want to make assertions (expects) then you use the Assert
Assert.shouldBe Assert.urlShouldBe Assert.elementShouldBeVisible Assert.elementShouldHaveText
If you need more tools to debug a test then you use the Debug
Debug.printLine Debug.wait Debug.waitForEnterKey Debug.showElement
The R2E Platform supports couple of cli params:
- run the tests without the browser window (quicker and useful for CI/CD)--verbose
- verbose logging--debug
- verbose logging, wait between actions, show actions in browser--name somePattern
- filter tests to run by name (useful when writing new tests)--setup
- run only the browser and driver setup step (useful for CI/CD)--print-browser-version-only
- only prints the version of the used browser (useful for caching in CI/CD)
Each R2E test program defines a config
for the platform to setup the whole test run.
app [testCases, config] { r2e: platform "https://github.com/adomurad/r2e-platform/releases/download/0.8.0/o-YITMnvpJZg-zxL2xKiCxBFlJzlEoEwdRY5a39WFZ0.tar.br" } import r2e.Test exposing [test] import r2e.Config config = Config.defaultConfig
- is the default configuration:
defaultConfig : R2EConfiguration _ defaultConfig = { # the directory name where the results will be stored resultsDirName: "testResults", # what reporters to use (see the Reporters chapter) reporters: [BasicHtmlReporter.reporter], # timeout for the assertions assertTimeout: 3_000, # timeout for the page loads pageLoadTimeout: 10_000, # timeout for the JavaScript executions scriptExecutionTimeout: 10_000, # timeout for interaction with the browser (e.g. findElement) elementImplicitTimeout: 5_000, # browser window size windowSize: Size 1024 768, # should take a screenshot on test fail? | Default: Yes screenshotOnFail : [Yes, No], # number of attempts | Default: 2 attempts : U64, }
You can override any of the defaults:
config = Config.defaultConfigWith { resultsDirName: "my-results", reporters: [BasicHtmlReporter.reporter, myJsonReporter], assertTimeout: 5_000, }
Custom Test
Sometimes you need a custom configuration for a couple of tests that can use a slow action, or have some special needs.
By creating a custom test
function you can override the global
configuration for couple of tests.
longTest = Test.testWith { pageLoadTimeout: Override 30_000, scriptExecutionTimeout: Override 30_000, assertTimeout: Override 8000, screenshotOnFail: Override No, windowSize: Override (Size 1800 400), } test1 = longTest "this is flaky test" \browser -> # open the test page browser |> Browser.navigateTo! "https://adomurad.github.io/e2e-test-page/"
All possible overrides:
ConfigOverride : { assertTimeout : [Inherit, Override U64], pageLoadTimeout : [Inherit, Override U64], scriptExecutionTimeout : [Inherit, Override U64], elementImplicitTimeout : [Inherit, Override U64], windowSize : [Inherit, Override [Size U64 U64]], screenshotOnFail : [Inherit, Override [Yes, No]], attempts : [Inherit, Override U64], }
R2E is designed to be used for automation.
If you want to run the tests on Github Actions, then checkout this example repo:
The browser and driver are cached so they don't have to be downloaded for every test run.
The results are saved to the job artifacts, but they could also be saved to a Github Pages branch for easier access.
Work in progress..
There are 2 kinds of functions in the Assert
functions that assert
function that assert values in the browser:
The first group fails immediately when the assertion is not met.
But the second group, will wait for the assertion to be met for a specified amount of time.
The default wait time is 3s, but can be changed in the configuration
by changing the assertTimeout
in the config. (see the Config chapter)
The reporters define how to represent the test results.
In the default config only 1 reporter is being used: BasicHtmlReporter
The BasicHtmlReporter
represents the results as a single HTML
The file will be stored in:
Where the first segment is the resultsDirName
and the second segment is the reporter name.
Customizing existing reporters
You can change the name of existing reporters.
customReporter = Reporting.BasicHtmlReporter.reporter |> Reporting.rename "myCustomReporter"
Using this new customReporter
will save the report in:
Custom reporters
You can create your own reporters like this:
customReporter = Reporting.createReporter "myCustomReporter" \results, _meta -> lenStr = results |> List.len |> Num.toStr indexFile = { filePath: "index.html", content: "<h3>Test count: $(lenStr)</h3>" } testFile = { filePath: "test.txt", content: "this is just a test" } [indexFile, testFile]
A test reporter is just a function that takes the results and returns a List
of files:
createReporter : Str, ReporterCallback err -> ReporterDefinition err ReporterCallback err : List (TestRunResult err), TestRunMetadata -> List { filePath : Str, content : Str } where err implements Inspect TestRunResult err : { # name of the test name : Str, # duration of the test [ms] duration : U64, # test result result : Result {} []err, # a screenshot when the test fails screenshot : [NoScreenshot, Screenshot Str], # Debug.printLine calls perfomed during this test logs : List Str, # final result of this test, or just a failed attempt? type : [FinalResult, Attempt], } where err implements Inspect TestRunMetadata : { # duration of the whole test run duration : U64, }
The BasicHtmlReporter
is created the same way:
Often in E2E tests you need to provide some secret data, like e.g. credentials.
You can use the environment variables in R2E tests.
empty = Env.get! "FAKE_ENV_FOR_SURE_EMPTY" empty |> Assert.shouldBe! "" env = Env.get! "SECRET_ENV_KEY" env |> Assert.shouldBe! "secret_value"
- windows support - as soon as I setup Roc on windows...
- automatic test retries
- builtin reporters for common formats like JUnit, AllureReport, etc.
- snapshot testing for elements and the whole page
- Firefox, Edge, Safari support
- working with browser alerts
If something is missing or nice to have then feel free to create a feature request at https://github.com/adomurad/r2e-platform/issues